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SCVS May Dinner Meeting - Plant Tour and Presentation on City of San Mateo's Clean Water Program

May 16, 2024
Contact Hours:

Click Here for Flyer

City of San Mateo, as the lead agency currently undertaking a 10-year integrated Wastewater Master Plan (Clean Water Program) for the rehabilitation of the aging wastewater collection system and wastewater treatment plant to address regulatory issues and aging infrastructure. The Clean Water Program was established in 2014, and the San Mateo Wastewater Treatment Plant Nutrient Removal and Wet Weather Flow Management Upgrade and Expansion Project is the largest project under the Clean Water Program.

Site Tour Location:
Thursday May 16, begins at 3:00 PM
San Mateo Wastewater Treatment Plant
2050 Detroit Dr, San Mateo, CA 94404

Deryk Daquigan, Interim Deputy Public Works Director Thomas Ruark, City of San Mateo, Project Manager Doug Lenz, Sundt Construction

Dinner Meeting Location:
Pinstripes Restaurant
36 Hillsdale Mall, San Mateo, CA 94403

CWEA Members $45.
Non-members $70.
Students & Retired Members $30.

Thursday, May 16
5:00 – Social/Networking Hour
6:00 – Dinner
7:00 – Presentation Door prizes!

Please let us know if you require contact Hours!

Seating limited to 40 members, so please sign up quickly!

Dinner Option:
Italian Feast buffet style Grilled Italian Sausage, Meatballs Pesto Grilled Chicken, Ravioli & Marinara with Caesar Salad, Parmesan Chips, Cookies, Brownies, Breads, Cheeses, Condiments

Want to be part of a great team?
Then consider filling a spot on our local CWEA Board.


Please plan to park off-site which you can access off Anchor Road. Park and then walk to a man gate located in the northwest corner of the lot. Then take the sidewalk along 3rd Avenue to the WWRF, please meet at the WRRF Existing Admin Building. 

Closer parking may available which you can access off Detroit Dr, but space is not guaranteed.

Event Contact Info:
Louis Sun

Sessions information is not available at this time.

Speaker information is not available at this time.